Workshops and Webinar Resources
These are common areas of enforcement and lawsuits.Here are some
resources to help understand these regulations.
June 10th GMP & Marketing Claims Demystified Workshop: Resources
Steven Yeager LinkedIn
Asa Waldstein LinkedIn
FDA Supplements Q&A
21 CFR 111 Subparts & descriptions
21 CFR 111 Reference guide
Adverse Event Reporting guidance
FDA Alerts (allergens, recalls, warning letters
Common allergen labeling guidance
AHPA Herbs of Commerce
Labeling and Allergens Guidance
Webinar: CGMP Basics for Hemp-CBD Companies: This is applicable to herbal supplement manufacturers.
Regulatory hints YouTube channel
AHPA Prop 65 Guidance
Preparing for FDA GMP Facility Inspections Webinar
Asa’s Regulatory Education Series
Why avoid warning letter video
Video about the risks of "THC Free" or "THC Free" labeling:
Made in the USA Claims Demystified video
All Natural: What can you say and what is the risk video
Prop 65 webinar
AHPA Prop 65 Resources​
June 3rd Webinar Resources
Harris Bricken Canna Law Blog
cGMP Basics for Hemp-CBD Companies Free Webinar
AHPA Hemp CBD Supplement Congress videos!
Regulatory: Blog, Events, Resources
AHPA Labeling Guidance Document
Getting Ready for FDA Inspections Webinar
AHPA Prop 65 Guidance
Regulatory Hints YouTube Channel and Prop 65 Webinar
AHPA SOP Templates (members only)
Asa’s Regulatory Education Series video channel
AHPA’s Guidance Documents
HerbalGram Cannabis Resources
Asa’s Regulatory Consulting Company
May 4th Webinar Resources
Burdock: Food Safety & Regulatory Compliance Consultants for FDA
AHPA Hemp CBD Supplement Congress videos!
Why join AHPA's Cannabis Committee?
Regulatory: Blog, Events, Resources
AHPA Labeling Guidance Document
AHPA NDI Workshop
cGMP Basics for Hemp-CBD Companies Free Webinar
AHPA Prop 65 Guidance
Regulatory Hints YouTube Channel and Prop 65 Webinar
AHPA’s Cannabis Committee
AHPA’s Hemp Lexicon
AHPA’s NDI Database
AHPA’s Botanical Congress: May 24th
Asa’s Regulatory Consulting Company
Burdock Associates Webinar: GRAS & NDI Certification: Ask the expert
Asa’s Next Event: Distributor Pitfalls to Avoid: Hemp and Supplement Products: